Grace Gardens
Instructional Classes Available in the Garden

From time to time we offer instructional classes in the garden for beginning hybridizers.  Classes run approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours and include handout instructional sheets, hands on in the garden and a newer daylily to take home.   Instructional sheets include copies Tom's four-part series for beginning hybridizers published in the AHS Journal.  Classes conducted by Tom Rood, ex-ADS Garden Judge Instructor (20 yrs).   $20 fee per person.   Contact Tom for scheduling.

Special Classes Available in the Garden:

 Basic principles of genetics
 How to hybridize
 Parent selection ideas and goals (dreams)
 Storing and using frozen pollen
 Methods of setting pods on difficult pod parents
 Handling and storing Seeds
 Seedling culture
 Judging the results
 Registration process
 And more----

 Dividing the clump
 Planting the divisions
 Companion plantings
 Handling proliferations
 Matching the plant to the garden
 Daylily garden designs-
     For show
     For hybridizing
     For rapid increase
     For fun
 Preparing for winter
 Spring spruce up
 Predator control
 And more----

Both classes I and II by prior registration. A $20 registration fee for each class. Attendees will receive a free daylily and literature corresponding to the respective class. Instructor: Tom Rood

Tom & Kathy Rood

Grace Gardens
1064 Angus Rd
Penn Yan, NY 14527-9606

E-mail Tom and Kathy

Please place Grace Gardens in the subject box

Updated: Jan 17, 2024